Get Just Compensation for Your Motor Vehicle Accident

badgeThe figures are stark. In Ontario, more than 80,000 drivers a year are involved in motor vehicle accidents leading to personal injuries and death.

If you or a loved one have been hurt in a car crash, then you need to get effective legal counsel immediately. Motor vehicle laws are complex and changing. To navigate the province’s no-fault insurance regulations and tort claims requires lawyers with deep experience in personal injury law.

Call the team at Edson Legal, 1-855-702-3119, or fill out our free Online Case Assessment form.  In your first free consultation, we will explain Ontario’s Insurance Act provisions to you and the rules of the road governing your claim. And we can set the wheels in motion to get you due compensation.

We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in car accident claims. Insurance companies are well aware of Edson Legal’s reputation for vigorously defending client interests in court and out of court, and conduct themselves accordingly.

We understand that proving a claim can be a costly process. Edson Legal works on a contingency basis – so you do not pay us, or even pay for a retainer, unless we secure a just result for you.

Fill out our Online Case Assessment form now to start the process!

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